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    Cracked Tooth Prevention Oakville Dental Advice

    How Teeth Crack and Chip (and How to Prevent It)

    Teeth are for more than biting down on food. Their function extends to activities like speaking and of course, smiling. It’s crucial to take care of them to maintain good oral health. Teeth can be subject to mistreatment or unintended damage, requiring treatment. Cracking or chipping of teeth can be caused by various factors. The most common – and tips for prevention – are here!

    Have a cracked or chipped tooth and need a dentist in the Oakville, Ontario area? At Reflections-Dental Oakville, we care for local families and help them achieve their healthiest, brightest smiles! Book an appointment!

    Common Causes of Teeth Cracking & Chipping

    1. Physical Trauma

    One of the leading causes of teeth cracking or chipping is trauma or physical impact to the mouth. Such incidents can happen during sports activities, falls, or other accidents. As mentioned earlier, wearing protective gear like mouthguards during sports activities can prevent dental damage. Additionally, it’s important to be cautious and aware of the surroundings to avoid any unnecessary injuries. If you experience any dental trauma, seek dental treatment immediately.

    2. Biting Hard Objects

    Another common reason for cracked or chipped teeth is biting down on hard objects like ice, hard candies, or popcorn kernels.

    Prevention: To prevent this, avoid biting on anything that is too hard, and use caution when eating foods like nuts, seeds, or hard fruits. Chewing gum is a great alternative to crunchy snacks and can also help clean your teeth in the process.

    3. Tooth Decay

    Tooth decay is another cause of teeth cracking or chipping. When a tooth is weakened by decay, it becomes more susceptible to dental damage.

    Prevention: To prevent tooth decay, brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily. Additionally, try to limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks that can weaken the enamel. Maintaining regular dental check-ups and cleanings can also help detect and treat tooth decay before it causes dental damage.

    4. Large Fillings

    Large fillings in teeth can also cause dental damage by weakening the tooth structure. Large fillings can make the tooth structure more fragile and prone to cracking or chipping.

    Prevention: To prevent this, it’s crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices to prevent tooth decay from developing. If you require a filling, your dentist may recommend an inlay or onlay instead of a large filling, which will better support the tooth structure and prevent future dental damage.

    5. Bruxism (Grinding Teeth)

    Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is another leading cause of cracked or chipped teeth. Grinding or clenching of teeth can lead to wear and tear of tooth enamel, which can eventually result in dental damage.

    Prevention: To prevent bruxism, consider using a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth. Stress-reducing techniques, such as exercise and meditation, may also help reduce the likelihood of teeth grinding and clenching.

    6. Aging

    Finally, as we age, our teeth become weaker and more brittle, making them more susceptible to dental damage. Prevention: Although aging is inevitable, maintaining good oral hygiene practices throughout your life can help prevent dental damage as you age. Additionally, regular dental check-ups can help detect any dental issues early on and prevent them from progressing.

    Great Self-Care Helps Prevent Tooth Cracks and Chips

    By maintaining good oral hygiene practices, being cautious, wearing protective gear, and reducing stress, we can prevent many of these causes of dental damage. If you experience dental damage, it’s important to seek treatment from a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further damage and preserve the health of your teeth. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!